The experience on the Via Francigena
of Brandon Wilson

(The story of the experience on the Via Francigena by an extraordinary hiker-pilgrim
who did long trekking all around the world for thousands of miles)

Logo Francigena

     (by Enea Fiorentini)

I have not known personally Brandon, I have only seen some photos, but I have read with admiration the long list of his experiences on the web site of "Pilgrim’s Tales": , where there is the introduction to his last book-guide and book reviews.
Some days ago, I have received one email from Brandon, in which he said that he had seen this my website and that, having walked on the entire path of the Via Francigena, he wished to have the opportunity to insert his story between those already present on my web pages.
I have answered that not there were problems and now you can see published here the Brandon’s report.
It is the account of the Italian part of the Via Francigena that Brandon has carried out leaving from Aosta the 13th of September and arriving to Rome the 11th of October, 2000.
I have supplied to the translation of this report in Italian language for greater comfort of the Italian readers.
I must thank Brandon for the permission for the publication of his story.
I’like also to send to Brandon, from these lines, my best wishes for its long trekking (beyond 5000 km on foot), from Dijon (France) to Jerusalem through many European and Middle East countries, beginning mid-April 2006.
Who wants to keep itself informed on the new enterprise of Brandon, he can read the information on his website, to the address: .
And, at last, I’d like to wish all the visitors of these pages a good reading...

Brandon Wilson
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The great hiker-pilgrim Brandon Wilson photographed
on a way of pilgrimage: the St. Olav’s Way in Norway
(Photo by B.Wilson)

  Brandon Wilson’s account in english   THE VIA FRANCIGENA
Trekking the Pathway to Paradise
  Cronaca di Brandon Wilson in italiano   LA VIA FRANCIGENA
Viaggiando sui Sentieri del Paradiso

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Updated - 07/11/2006